Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Nice Day

In the fall I was able to get all the leaves bagged up in the front yard, but it got too cold before I could finish the back.

Hayden got out the bubbles and was practicing blowing into the wand (one of our speech exercises)

Ava thought the dogs chasing each other was the funniest thing!

Today while the kids were napping I heard the neighbor kids playing outside so I thought I'd let Hayden and Ava play outside after they woke up. They had a lot of fun climbing on the playground and going down the slides. The dogs chased each other all around the yard and had fun too. I managed to get some really good pictures for once. This year is going to be so much nicer with Ava being able to run around and climb too. We still have a lot of work to do to finish the border of the playground, but that's our big project this Spring before it gets too hot around here.

This morning Hayden was being really loving to Ava. He went up and gave her a big hug and then reached out for her hand and led her all around the house and then into his room to show her his books I recently switched out. It was too adorable.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The other day I had to have Ava try on this new outfit I found for her. I loved this coat last year, but passed on it because she didn't really need a spring jacket when she was a baby. This year we'll be heading outside to play when it gets nice and she'll need a jacket. She's getting another cold so I've had to keep her hair up so it stays clear of her nose.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A few weeks ago we tried on a bunch of Ava's summer clothes, but I just love her hair in this picture. It's getting so long.

Well I attempted to get some Valentine's pictures, but that didn't work out so well as this was the best one. :(

Yesterday we had speech therapy in Springfield and afterwards I took Hayden to get his haircut and we needed to get him some new shoes since his others were too small. I stopped into Jelly Beans since it was next door and picked some out for him and I was able to get him to sit down and try them on while he was playing in the play area. He is wearing a size 10!!! This is what he got and he really likes them:

I also picked up some toe nail polish for Ava. It's from a company called Piggy Paint. The nail polish is non-toxic, odorless, and kid-friendly. During snack time this morning Ava was distracted enough to let me paint her toes in this cute bubble gum color.
Later on I tried to do her fingernails but she wasn't in a very good mood since she wouldn't nap and it was close to dinner time.